This is me and my Daddy looking at an old scrapbook.
Now. Lest I tout my Dad as infallible, let me say he has been known to drive fast (although in control) and curse “stupid drivers.” But not with profanity. Dad prefers more resourceful phrases like “dagnabbit,” or “may the fleas of a thousand camels nest in your armpits.” As a teenager I concluded that some kind of lead-footed alter-ego took over when he got behind the wheel. When off the streets, however, Dad was sweet as sugar. We gave him this “Super Dad” tee when I was five years old (above).

The week I had the babies Doug left town on a Sunday evening, due to return Monday evening. A short work trip to Denver. He left while I was at church with the girls. When we arrived home we were greeted by four balloons (leftover from Eliza’s birthday party). All artwork courtesy of Doug. To appreciate this gesture you have to know that one of Doug’s hallmarks with the girls is to make funny faces at them through the garage window whenever he is leaving the house. It always makes the girls laugh. So here are Doug’s funny faces – left for the girls to discover in lieu of his usual exit exchange.

I can't believe how much Eliza looks like you did when you were little-in that first pic of you and your dad and your brother she looks EXACTLY like you!
That was such a sweet post. I too have very fond memories of your Dad. He was so friendly and made the silliest jokes, "Why is a duck?" I seriously did NOT get it, but I liked him for it! You guys are very lucky to have him, and your girls to have Doug. Love reading your posts!
WOW! I love that tribute to Dad! It is all so true and we are so lucky to have him! I also love the tribute you gave Doug! He is such a good Daddy and we can all see that. Thanks for making me laugh, cry and smile!! XO