They’re coming at us so quickly. Like balls in a batting cage, mile markers on the highway. Kindergarten, Preschool, dance class, first teeth, first words, first steps. Every first a celebration I wish we could sustain. Every last a procrastination. With lasts and firsts coming in twos I can hardly wrap my brain around how fast it is going.
It will be this way the rest of our life. Fast and furious through the baby stage and then… What? You’re walking? It’s already over?

Oh we have way too many firsts and last happening around here. It was so fun to meet your darling girls yesterday.
I enjoyed this post-my oldest just started K, too, and I'm working towards putting the bottles away for good with my babies. I can't seem to keep my journal up to date with all the new things the kids are doing this fall. Your kids are such similar agesa as mine-it makes your posts just that more fun to read-I enjoy them all.
Michelle – yes – way too many. My heart is sighing heavy for you as you suit up your missionary boy. We had such a fun time with you yesterday. Thank you!
Meagen – SO nice to hear from you! I think of you every time I see my aunt. Seems like we are definitely in the same stages. Fast and furious for you too. Sounds like you're doing wonderfully well. I'm so glad!
We have our first maturation program coming up-top that!
swensen squeeze
well…just passed kindergarten in 6 weeks…now onto 1st grade! So not many kindergarten experiences! But the 1st day today of 1st grade was the "best day ever" she said
Hi Cath-
I read your interview on the LDS Women project and have been reading your blog. I was so touched by your expressions of faith and your experiences as a mother. Your writing is beautiful, you are so gifted and I am incredibly impressed that you make the time and have the energy the write!
I have 2 sets of twins a little more then 2 years apart. My girls are 6 and are the result of IVF after 6 1/2 years of waiting. My boys came along naturally, biggest surprise of my life. They are almost 4.
I loved this post. You seem to capture again and again my feelings about having lots of little ones close together. I sometimes feel like childhood stages are going by so fast I can't keep up!
Your family is beautiful and you are amazing. Thank you for sharing your life and thoughts. You inspire me!
Crist – I'm blubbering my lower lip. Yep – you've got us beat. I expect you to have all the pointers when our turn comes around.
Amy – So glad you made the decision! Phew! And it sounds like it was the right one! We'd still love to have Ali come play.
Jen – Wow! Our situation sounds remarkably similar. It's so nice to have you reading. Your boys came naturally? That really is amazing! I would love to talk with you. Would you be interested in writing a Tuesday Twinspin? I would LOVE to have you contribute. You can choose any topic. If you're at all interested, would you send me an email? Address is on the contact page. Thanks for your sweet comment. I really appreciated it.
Love the new blog. And firsts and lasts make me sniff.
April Perry
I just love you Catherine.
Um, Amanda's first Young Womens Activity tonight! ACK! Why does the time go by soooo fast!?!
I just signed up to your blogs rss feed. Will you post more on this subject?