They had six in ten years (my youngest sister Rachel isn’t pictured here). We three oldest were only a year apart each.
Our legs were much shorter and faster then, (I speak for myself Dave) and we ran this yard wild. We jumped off railroad ties, built wikkiups, dug holes in the empty lot behind us, filled them with water and swung across them like Tarzan.

ah, your parents, your siblings, your family are precious gifts indeed. I am so glad and grateful you have them.
I remember a few years back, when Deb told me about your mother's motto and something rang so true in my heart. It was one of those moments that increased my testimony and changed me. I hardly know her, but I think she is such a great example. You have a beautiful family and this is a sweet tribute!
you made me cry today. Cut it out!
Well if you made Jerry cry it is proof as to what a beautiful tribute this is to your parents, and to you and your siblings. I love your parents dearly and thank you for posting this.
We have always looked to your parents as examples of what we wanted in our marriage and family. It has blessed our lives. Love you all.
Cath, thanks for the lovely tribute. It has been our best anniversary present. We truly do love our family and still love each other. The photography is exceptional, and our hearts are full of deep feelings for our family tonight. Thank you again for being "special".
Michelle – thanks for inspiring me with the slant to these photos. I love you.
Melissa – Oh I wish the two of you knew each other better. She would love your heart – you have a similar kind of courage. Looking forward to seeing you soon. xoxo
Jer – Awww, it's only because you know so well the sweetness of a good marriage and a wonderful family. I'm pretty sure Sam helped build one of those wikkiups.
Jo – They love you too. So great to see you (although briefly) at Faye's funeral.
Leslie -You too have a beautiful marriage. Love you.
Dad – So glad you've had a good anniversary. It was a privilege to think and write about you today. You continue to choose us, again and again, and we love you both deeply for it.
I love this family through and through. xox
Amazing photos.
Grandma Honey
Beautiful post….and so happy for your Mom!
I also wanted to thank you for the post you did on Seeing the Everyday. My first issue arrived last week and I LOVE it. I've read it cover to cover. It's stunning and very inspiring. Thanks to you…or I never would have known about it.
Great post, Cath. I suspect these gorgeous photos came from your new camera? Well done! Each one is precious.
Anne Marie
Beautiful, beautiful pictures, Cath. What a very sweet tribute to your parents and their choices. I love Michelle's thought about marriage and being tied to so many before and after us. Thanks for sharing that. Your mom's motto in the kitchen is so inspiring. What a blessing to have her with you still.
You've been in my thoughts and prayers. Love you
Cristie – and they love you. xo
Grandma Honey – So glad you're loving your Seeing…. mag. Isn't it glorious? And so comforting. Thanks for letting me know you subscribed.
Shir – yep, that's the camera in action. Wish I had a picture of YOU!! Where did you sneak off to anyhow? xo
Anne Marie – Michelle quoted the source of those marriage lines in her own blog post today. She wrote it much better than I did. It happens to be her anniversary today. And there are some beautiful photos there that just make me smile. Thought you might like the link. http://scenesfromthewild.blogspot.com/2012/01/marriage-is-all-about-family.html Love you!
This is such a beautiful post Cath! I love absolutely everything you said-I love that quote too-it's one of my favorites.
Such a lyrical, beautiful post Cath!
Thank you for sharing it. Family is what matters.
I keep coming back to read this, Catherine, because I have such similar reverence for my parents' vision and sacrifice in rearing us as they have. Additionally I keep coming back for those cute marshmallow mouths, Spencer's bewildered expression (or is he peeved by a mother's insistence to wear a coat), and because of the tale of Eliza's courage.
Anne Marie
Thanks, Cath, for sending me over to Michelle's blog. What a precious, kind, beautiful person she is. I love those words from the sealer. After you had talked about that idea here on your blog, I have been thinking about that beautiful idea. Thank you so much.
Cath, your writing is amazing and you always bring me to tears! I love all you said about Mom, Dad, and the family. We truly do love each other! Love you dearly!
Sarah holman
Beautiful Cath. Thank you!
I love those photos, Cath… especially of your mom and dad. It's amazing what a legacy they have created isn't it? Love your words too. Beautiful.